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Lenten Beauty-Alert, Day 3: The Beauty of an Inclusive Playground

Lenten Beauty-Alert Day 3: Owen’s Playground, An inclusive place to play!

This blog relates to my Stars and Strangers poetry book because that book is about finding light in people, whose mystery is so deep we are all strangers. Light and Beauty are mighty close in meaning to me, so blogging about beauty here fits.

Here is a shout-out to the beauty of play, inclusivity, and creative ways to use our gifts for justice. Eagle Harbor Congregational Church member, Ann Lovejoy and her team inspire me for their role in helping Owen’s parents use their grief to support their inspiration to build a new playground in honor of Owen.

Owens Playground happens to be my grandkids favorite place to play and we have enjoyed checking out the community’s competition. Raeya and Broden are moved by Owen’s life and the way they both feel welcomed as well as their sense of invitation to welcome others. This invitation continues in the sunflower seed packet…

Ann gave us this packet of seeds as part of a project for community children to grow starts at home this spring and then give them to the gardening crew to plant them at Owens Park for everyone to enjoy this summer.

What would happen if our country used the following definition of “inclusive Play” found on their website:

An inclusive playground is one where we learn how to embrace, enrich and celebrate ourselves and each other, ALL of us, through the rich experience of play.

Inclusive play:

  • Provides EVERY child with a truer sense of the world, illustrating that there are similarities and differences everywhere we go, including in on the playground.

  • Fosters the development of tolerance in ALL children and the notion that there are differences of perspectives and perceptions.

  • Provides a richer play environment for ALL children which includes different languages, methods of communication and a wider range of play materials.

  • Creates an environment where adults and children of ALL abilities can engage in play and create community.

  • Creates greater social cohesion and contributes towards the aim of a more just society in which ALL people have a part to play.

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